Our Inspiration

Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister. - 1 John 4:21

what we do

Relief & Rehabilitation

We pray, associate, and meet the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs of the needy in the society who lose their total household items and suffer during the natural calamities, floods, earthquake, any other emergency periods and provide them timely relief items, dry rations, clothes, blankets, medicines, food, water, polythene and books for children's studies.

These humanitarians noble work for the neediest people in the society which will fulfil God's word – “I was naked, you clothed me, and I was hungry, and you fed me, I was in prison and you visited me”.

We have provided reliefs to the state of Assam who have suffered from the recent floods.

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what they say


Support to 20 families who lost houses during flood in Karnataka, Oct 2021

Flood in Karnataka

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Flood in Karnataka

Event Gallery

Relief work: Flood at Sundari Mission Fielf

Relief support to needy people of Persuabari

Free ration and rice in the relief camp in Lalkura